The Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau

One of the biggest roadblocks on a weight loss journey is when your weight stalls. It can cause all sorts of psychological issues that often lead to people throwing in towel even if they have lost weight. However, it should be expected well in advance that weight loss plateaus are completely normal and can happen multiple times throughout your weight loss journey. There are several reasons for this with the main ones being how your metabolism adapts…

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The Weight Loss Pyramid: Calorie Deficit, Protein, Everything Else.

Everything needs some fundamentals and weight loss is no different. Therefore, focusing on the tried and true. When I hear questions being asked like When I get asked questions like “are carbs bad?” or “will doing ab crunches get me ripped” it confirms that most are out of context with these questions and just have not got some fundamentals whereby if they understood would not need to be asking those questions. Therefore, I’ve created a simple weight…

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Weight Loss VS Fat Loss: The Difference

When it comes to losing weight many people often only focus on a single metric which is usually that number on the scales. Although this trend seems to be changing, with the ever-increasing information we have access to, People will still judge their progress solely on whether the number on scale decreases on a weekly or sometimes daily. Both approaches are not wise. Let us discuss why this is a bad strategy from the start then. Every…

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