The Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau

One of the biggest roadblocks on a weight loss journey is when your weight stalls. It can cause all sorts of psychological issues that often lead to people throwing in towel even if they have lost weight. However, it should be expected well in advance that weight loss plateaus are completely normal and can happen multiple times throughout your weight loss journey. There are several reasons for this with the main ones being how your metabolism adapts…

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Why Diets Fail

The number one variable that underpins the success of a diet is adherence. In other words, regardless of the diet that someone chooses to achieve their weight loss goal, being able to “stick to it” long term ultimately determines its success. Attempts typically result in early rapid weight loss followed by a plateau and progressive regain. Unfortunately. this scenario is all too common among dieters. In fact, over a 5-year period around 80% of people will regain…

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Nutrition Jargon Made Simple

It can be easy to get bogged down with technical terms used in the various circles of the nutrition industry. Below are some of the most common ones explained so that you have a basic understanding of what they mean when you hear people say them. Calories: Calories are used to describe how much energy is yielded from the food we eat. You will see these on the back of food labels or if you do a…

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Why Does A Healthy Weight Matter?

If you are lucky enough to live in a first-world country you have probably been the recipient of some of the best living standards, the highest minimum wage, the best technology, and the best education. Yet with all these advantages, as you look around the places you spend most of your time, namely your home, workplace, and your weekend hangouts – you’ll notice one of the distinct differences between person to person is their waistline. With all…

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